Thursday, July 21, 2011

Flower/Flour Cookies

So Hailey and I were making cookies and I told her I would be right back because Blake was crying and I needed to see what was wrong. I told her when I came back we would add the flour into the cookies. Well up on the counter was a rose that Eric had brought home for me. Hailey took it upon herself to add the (flower) herself. When I was taking care of Blake I heard her counting 4, 5, 6, 4, 5, 6, "lately she starts counting from 4" anyways I didn't think anything of it until I got back and realized that she first took some petals off the rose and put them into the batter one by one (hence the counting) and then she threw the rest of the rose in :) I am so glad she can follow directions and added the flower....silly my cookies this time just might have too much (flour) in them. J/K I took the rose out :) Oh what other surprises and laughs will today bring?